- RITI is an Italian word meaning rites in English. In Romanic languages it is also an anagram of the International Review for the Transformation of Institutions
- RITI is a new international journal whose purpose is to encourage and to publish new contributions to the transformation of organizations, institutional transformation and Group Relations.
- RITI will provide the systemic school in general and especially the transformation of organizations one with a place of interdisciplinary encounter and debate - sociological, psychological, anthropological, economic, psychoanalytical, managerial…
- RITI intends to fully unite the world of academia and research with that of organization consultation practitioners.
The aim is to let the method and its school be known, while opening the perspective to other fields, beyond any dogma.
At the crossroads of research and experience, it also aims at introducing concepts, methods and intervention tools which are not well-known yet.
RITI publishes its contributions in English, French, Italian as well as Spanish.
Who is it intended for?
- Leaders, managers and HR managers of organizations operating in all sectors (business, NGOs, cultural and sporting circles)
- All those working as consultants in the mentioned fields; staff members of group dynamics conferences; all conference participants
- Researchers and professionals from the academic world referring to Group Dynamics
- All stakeholders in the social and political fields and more generally in social innovation